
Colour and Poetry exhibition: The Nomenclature of Colours

Colour and Poetry: A Symposium takes place at the Slade Research Centre, Slade School of Fine Art, on 20 - 21 March to celebrate both International Colour Day and World Poetry Day. 

At the heart of the symposium is an exhibition, The Nomenclature of Colours (named after Werner's 1814 Nomenclature of Colours - a taxonomic guide to the colours of the natural world). Slade staff, students and alumni have been invited to produce a single work with the title of the show being the theme for the work.  

UCL Slade events

Caroline de Lannoy, acrylic on paper, 34.3 cm x 25.4 cm

The work is a composition created by the artist Caroline de Lannoy
Caroline de Lannoy

Copyright © 2022 Caroline de Lannoy, All right reserved.