Watercolour exhibition

Caroline de Lannoy
'In half light', 30,5x22,9 cm, watercolour on paper, 2010 

Formeel 2010: aquarellen 1 mei - 30 mei 2010
Galerie: EXP.23. 
Nieuwehaven 23, 1135 VJ EDAM. 

1 mei t/m 30 mei 2010

The abstract watercolour exhibition will be a travelling show, starting in May 2010 in Piet Knook's Gallery (Edam). The exhibition takes place under the charge of the Dutch Watercolour Association, HAK. Piet Knooks Gallery is situated in a former small church building.
Caroline de Lannoy exhibits three recent watercolour works on paper.

Galerie: EXP.23
Nieuwehaven 23, 1135 VJ EDAM 
geopend: vrijdag en zaterdag 14 - 18 uur en op afspraak