Text:Sound (curated by Anton Lukoszevieze)

Text:Sound (curated by Anton Lukoszevieze)
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2011
Opening Hours: 18.30 - 21.00
Address: The Nunnery, 181 Bow Road, London, E3 2SJ

The Nunnery is pleased to continue an occasional series featuring recent composition with two new concerts curated by Anton Lukoszevieze and Tim Parkinson.
Drawing inspiration from works by John Cage, in which the voice articulates sounds that have an ambivalent or dislocated relation to the literal meaning of the text Ian Hunt has written: 'The work functions as a poem on the page but will also be written as a score for several voices…it may be like a Radio 4 panel game where a story is improvised word by word by four comedians. The effect is jerky, unpredictable, a set of changes of pitch and interval of natural speaking voices that disrupts the normal construction of hearing and interpreting. When combined with sentences striving for ordinary sense-making as well as poetry, I hope this will give back to the audience familiar experiences: when simple acts of social exchange go wrong, become opaque, not transparent...'(Ian Hunt on 'As We Descended' 2011)
Evening Programme:
Christian Wolff ‘Isn’t this a Time?’, ‘Dark as a Dungeon’ for clarinet
William O. Smith ‘Eight Epitaphs’ for double clarinet
Anton Lukoszevieze ‘Haiku’ for cello (text by Sharon Morris)
Kunsu Shim ‘Before’ for cello
Ian Hunt ‘’Emperor, Tomato Ketchup’ (Stereolab), for voice and small noise ensemble
Caroline de Lannoy ‘In Conversation’, ‘Warm/Cool’ for cello and tape
Jackson Mac Low ‘Phoneme Dance in Memoriam John Cage’ for three voices
Ian Hunt ‘As We Descended’, new work for five voices
Michael Parsons new work
Anton Lukoszevieze ‘Tracker’ for cello and tape
Richard Emsley ‘Cast 2’ for bass clarinet, cello and tape (Lore Lixenberg)
Anton Lukoszevieze has recently presented, with Apartment House, an evening of John Cage's music at the South Bank.  His current projects include composing a ‘Nopera’ titled 'On D(arius) and G(irenas)' for extended group of viola, violin, voice, recorders, synthesiser, electronic playback and video, commissioned by the Amsterdam based group Trio Scordatura to be premiered at the ICA, London in 2012. He has also presented programmes of contemporary music at Wilton's Music Hall, in collaboration with Sonic Arts Network and BBC Radio 3.