Caroline de Lannoy is part of the group exhibition 'Identity' at mott-factory, Tokyo, Japan from 24th March – 24 April 2009.
See www.mott-factory.com/ gallery/schedule.php
Identity part-1
Adrian Baron / Caroline de Lannoy / Rana Begum / 菊地良博 / 田村久美子 / 加藤智大
レセプションパーティー 2009.3.24 18:00〜20:00
Identity part-2
Eleanor Crock / Nathan Cohen / Reiko Kubota / 梅沢和木 / DONA / 関口潮
レセプションパーティー 2009.4.7 18:00〜20:00
Identity Exhibition Introduction
The question of how we begin to understand our own place within the world and what we wish to say of this in the art we make will naturally generate different answers relating to who we are and what our view of the world might be. This exhibition raises the question of what informs identity and the creative process for artists living in London and Tokyo today. In considering the theme it is also necessary to question its interpretation; is identity a concern for all, or is this something embedded in the making process? While some artists seek to address the issue of identity directly through their work, for others it may be more implicit.
The gallery space in Tokyo was once a house, a place where people lived that has now become a place where art lives. This exhibition offers an opportunity for a group of artists from London and Tokyo to show together and in the process raise questions about what they make and why, the work selected presenting a range of art activity and media including painting, construction, installation, printmaking, and video.